
Explore my data science projects categorised by topic and technology.

R Specific Projects

Breast Cancer Wisconsin Dataset

  • Description: This project involved Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using the Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) dataset available from the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository.
  • Technologies: R, corrplot, readODS, dplyr, tidyverse, MASS, ggplot2, and Rtsne

Portuguese Vinho Verde wine quality dataset

  • Description: This project involved the use of the UC Irvine Wine Dataset, available at UC Irvine Wine Dataset, to explore the most important variables in determining wine quality.
  • Technologies: corrplot, readODS, ISLR, leaps, and glmnet

Python Specific Projects

Palmer Penguin Dataset Visualisation

  • Description: This project involved the exploration fo the Palmer Penguins dataset available at Palmer Penguins. The purpose of this project was to explore the body weights of penguins depending on specific conditions including: where they lived, their sex and what species they were.
  • Technologies: Python, Pandas, Matplotlib and Seaborn

Titanic Dataset Visualisation

  • Description: This project utilised the Titanic dataset available at Titanic Kaggle and Data Science Dojo Github, to discover which variables were the most important in determining passenger survival, such as Passenger Fare, Number of Siblings/Spouses Aboard and Age.
  • Technologies: Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, Numpy and Seaborn

Geospatial Specific Projects

Top Ten Earthquakes of 2024 and Nuclear Power Stations

  • Description: This project explored regions around the world which have high volumes of earthquakes and their location to nuclear power plants. Due to data limitations, it was not possible to make a further in-depth analysis of the results. Various datasets were used in this project including the GEM Science Tools, and the United States Geological Survey Database. The full description of data sources is available in the overview section.
  • Technologies: QGIS and Open Street Map Quick extension.
